Our trip began on a very difficult path, we flew 9 hours to Amsterdam and had no down time before catching our next 9
hour flight to India. This totalled over 20 hours of continuous
travel and then we had over a three hour drive from Mumbai to Pune. It was actually good that we arrived after
midnight because we basically missed the traffic that would have otherwise
turned the 3 hour drive into a 6 hour drive!
So we finally arrived at the hospital sometime after 3:30 am, completely
exhausted and looking forward to some real sleep on an actual bed. Our first impression was one of disgust, we
were taken to our room on the 6th floor only to find it filthy as
though they hadn’t known about or prepared for our arrival at all! I however was not prepared to deal with the
situation until the following day after we had gotten some rest. I at least had a real bed, not comfortable or
clean but it was a bed, Lorelei was not as lucky as she only had a thin foam
mattress, 2” at the most placed on a plywood bed frame. At the time it didn’t matter, sleep was all
we cared about. I was shocked when
hospital staff began coming into our room within only hours…I thought to myself
seriously, get the hell out!! After our
long journey we were given less than 3 hours of uninterrupted rest and this is
how our hospital experience began and to be honest it never really got much
better. My expectations that were based
on pictures and claims from the CCSVI website were quickly squashed and
replaced by the reality that we were completely mislead. This hospital was nothing like the pictures
or description provided on the website or anything remotely similar to
descriptions made by previous patients. There
was no clinic to speak of, we had a room and that was it. There were no other patients except one woman
whose room was on the 9th floor.
Thank God that we had someone else undergoing the treatment at the same
time even though we were completely isolated from each other. Meeting Lesley and her caregiver Kim
literally kept us from going crazy but the only time we had to communicate was
during cross over times for our physiotherapy and beyond that the only time we
saw each other to visit and offer each other support was when Kim would bring
Lesley down to our room. I wasn’t
permitted to bring my scooter (which I understand their reasoning why) so I had
no mobility and wasn’t even given access to a wheelchair. Therefore the only time we had to visit was
when Kim brought Lesley down to the 6th floor because Lesley
fortunately had her own wheelchair. We
were completely isolated and the concept of a clinic did not exist! The only accurate comparison to how we were
forced to live would be going to prison, and I’m not kidding or exaggerating. This is not at all what we were lead to
believe as it was clearly stated on their website that patients and their
companions are admitted to the clinic’s own wing within the
hospital for the patient’s specific medical therapy, this is how I
envisioned the “clinic” setting to be.
There were many other statements from the website that were completely
false. For example: “The multi-cuisine
dining facility serves a wide variety of north Indian, south Indian apart from
traditional Indian meals and snacks. For an occupant of a deluxe room, the
elegant interiors and the view of an adjacent terrace garden are designed to
make his or her stay not just comfortable but also pleasurable.” Completely false statements, our stay was the
furthest thing from comfortable and pleasurable as you can get! I can also assure you that I would have
rather eaten food from any North American prison than the hospital food we were
served. Another lie from the website
states “All meals are catered on the ward; snacks are available on the ward
24/7. All cuisine is North American, unless the group decides they would like
to sample some Indian cuisine”. Requests
that we made for North American food came to us inedible most of the time. We ingested the food for sustenance only, it
was terrible!
Another false statement “The hospital itself is a
multi-specialty facility that is centrally located in the city and outfitted
with state-of-the-art infrastructure complete with an eminent panel of
multi-specialty physicians. International Services for a global patient
population ensure that distance and language are not obstacles to
receiving world-class care”. For
starters hardly any staff spoke English, let alone fluently, communication was
a huge barrier! Another huge barrier to
understanding was the fact that none of the staff, that I met, knew what
multiple sclerosis is! Nobody really
knew why we were there, what the effects of the disease are or the limitations
that MS places on our bodies. It became
extremely annoying being asked everyday what MS is and trying to get staff to
understand the effects it has on our bodies.
I honestly didn’t see one thing that I could class as
“state-of-the-art”. On the contrary
everything I saw and experienced was completely antiquated from the blood
pressure monitors to the physiotherapy equipment. Not to say that things were not functional
but far from state-of-the-art! The only
doctor that I can ever recall introducing themselves to me and their role or
specialty was Dr. Malik. Thank God again
for this man; he was the only aspect of our entire experience that I can say
was excellent. He is an interventional
radiologist but essentially seemed to run the entire program, without him we
would have completely lost it! As for a
team of other specialists…who knows who or where they were. The medical team tab from the website lists
only two doctors and is listed as “Archive for Medical Team” whatever that
means. Dr. Alurkur is listed as an
Interventional Neuro-Radiologist and he was named in my angioplasty report as
the doctor who performed the venoplasty however it was signed by someone else
for: Dr. Alurkur. I was never introduced
to him or any other doctor other than Dr. Malik.
I can’t really understand how they can find any validity to
their clinical results, everything is subjective. I was never evaluated by a neurologist, or
anyone for that matter. They have no
base line parameters established so I’m not sure how they can evaluate
outcomes. The use of EDSS scores is one
comparative evaluation that is used but again no one evaluated me especially
nobody with the proper credentials of a neurologist. All they had to go on is what I told them my
EDSS score was and I was not seen by any doctor who could clinically confirm my
score. This brings into question the
follow up scores that are being reported, who are the doctors assessing EDSS
scores for post procedure reporting?
This rating scale is also quite subjective and is known to not be a
precise measurement of ones entire disability and is often criticized for being
insensitive to clinical change and consistency between evaluators. There are several other methods used to
quantify various aspects of disability however I was not evaluated for
anything! The use of MRI scans is also
used to evaluate disease status but does not represent a clear indication of
disability but does provide a clear and accurate measurement of disease
activity. I don’t understand why an MRI
is not taken before the start of treatment and followed up by another 3 to 6
months post procedure. It has been
stated and inferred that the treatment “turns off” the disease but I can’t see
any validity to such a statement without proper evaluation of MRI data.
This is only a very brief account of some of the issues we
faced at Inamdar hospital, there are SO MANY MORE but I don’t want this blog to
turn into a book! The so called “clinic”
was not the only problem or misrepresentation we encountered, there are many
others! Again I expected based on the website
consultation with surgeons upon returning home in post-period. I knew this wasn’t going to happen based on
the fact that I never met or spoke to any surgeons while at the clinic! I was also promised “Follow-up
web-based software for all patients to answer surveys at intervals, upload
ancillary medical information, ask questions of any of
the specialists involved in your care, and a chat feature
to communicate with any other patients of CCSVI Clinic to compare
notes and for support”. I’m told this is
coming but patients have been told this for well over a year, starting with the
first patients to enter the program yet nothing has happened.
I suspect that when they moved the
program from Noble
Hospital to Inamdar
things fell apart. I honestly don’t
trust their explanations for having to move which is a problem for me as one of
the clinics basic claims is to operate the program under a policy of complete
transparency. I can tell you that very
little of their operation is run with complete transparency. We know that Regentek is the lead
investigator for the study but this is apparently where their role ends. I have huge questions regarding the
involvement of the many other parties involved with the program like the role
of the hospital, who runs CCSVI Clinic, are there any conflicts of interest
involved just to name a few. This is a
very convoluted organisation and I believe it has been purposely set up this
way. As an example, taken directly from
the CCSVI Clinic website is a disclaimer which states: “CCSVI Clinic is
in the business of facilitating travel and hospitality only. Any and all
medical services are provided by medical professionals who are not in the
employ of CCSVI Clinic Inc. and CCSVI Clinic does not recommend, endorse or
provide any specific test, analysis, products, or procedures of a medical
nature”. Where is the transparency in
that, just who is responsible for the treatments, the patients, following
proper protocol etc? This is just not right
and trust me, this is only the beginning.
I have examined the guide lines and requirements for the practice of
cell based medicine as outlined by the ICMS (International Cellular Medicine
Society) and I take no delight in stating my opinion that the CCSVI Clinic
violates and or is in non-conformance with many of these guidelines.
If I were to go through all or even half of our experiences
in India,
this blog would turn into a book. There
are many things yet to discuss that I will make the subject of future blogs but
I had one main purpose for this blog and that is to inform any new or
prospective patients of the reality they can expect from Inamdar hospital. I would not recommend anyone go to this
facility under its current operating parameters. The experience of my wife and I was a living
hell and I would hate to see anyone else pay such a large amount of money and
be mislead by the outrageous misinterpretation of the program and
facilities. Understanding full well the
feelings of desperation and hope, I can’t blame anyone for still wanting to
proceed but at least now you have and informed and realistic view of what to
expect. As I stated at the beginning, my
intent here is not to disparage the program, its vast potential or the amazing
results that have been reported but everyone deserves the truth. I think the clinic was on the right track
operating from Noble hospital but things have fallen apart since moving to
Inamdar. There is a substantial amount
of work to be completed before this clinic is even close to being acceptable in
my opinion. Perhaps they have even
started to correct some of the problems but I guarantee there is a long way to
go. What my wife and I went through (to
be guinea pigs) caused a lot of stress to my mind and my body! We are all aware that stress is a very bad
condition for MS and I am thoroughly disgusted that I was subjected to this
kind of treatment. Through it all we
decided to keep the negative experience hidden from our family and friends, we
figured there was no point in spreading the worry back home. We knew we were still receiving prayer and had
faith that our own specific prayers would bring us home safe.
This blog is already so long but there is still so much that
needs to be said but I’ll end with an even more concerning piece of news. Upon my return home I was already scheduled
for an MRI, this took place exactly 23 days after my last stem cell
transplant. I didn’t receive the results
until 17 days later when I had an appointment with my neurologist but I knew
before then that something wasn’t right.
Approximately two weeks before this I began to notice new symptoms
developing, the left side of my body was going numb and my balance was
deteriorating. I had been warned that
this type of response is common when new neural pathways are opening so I
wasn’t too concerned and kept up with physio therapy and exercising. By the time my appointment rolled around the
symptoms had escalated, these were new symptoms and I was sure that I was
having an attack! How could this be
possible, the stem cells are supposed to “turn the disease off”! Well it didn’t work for me; my MRI showed a new
enhancing T2 hypereintense lesion and my neuro knew that I was in the midst of
an attack. He offered me a prescription
for high dose prednisone but I declined in favour of just monitoring things for
a while as my symptoms were not really problematic at the moment. I reported my suspicions of an attack to the
lead researcher from Regenetek on May 14th and again on May 17th with
MRI evidence of an attack but did not get a response until May 19th. The response I received was one of scepticism
reiterating that this was a normal response and virtually every patient thus
far has had similar experiences. I
replied saying that I was convinced that I was having an attack, after having
so many attacks over the last 17 years (too many to count) I knew exactly what
was happening in my body. Things started
to worsen over the weekend of the 18th and 19th, the
numbness was spreading to my right side, my legs now felt as if they weighed 100
pounds each making walking EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and I couldn’t feel the left
side of my ass! Well I could feel it but
it felt as if my left butt cheek and foot belonged to someone else. I was extremely concerned with the rapid
progression of my symptoms over the last two days and was now desperately
wishing I had taken the prednisone prescription. I’d been in this position before and had the
disease flatten me to the point of crawling; I needed to know from the lead
researcher what would happen to the stem cells if I was on a high dose course
of prednisone! I didn’t hear back from
him until the 21st, the day I had mentioned in my email that I would
be filling the prednisone prescription unless he could provide me with some
very compelling reasons why I shouldn’t.
Fortunately the rapid progression of my symptoms subsided by the 21st
and I had to make the call on my own to not start the prednisone. I did send another email stating that I
needed to speak with the lead researcher very soon and got a reply that he
would call me on the 22nd.
Well that call never happened until the 23rd at which time I
was informed that the prednisone would essentially damage the stem cells to the
point of being non functional. I had
been waiting for this information since my first contact on May 14th,
I got the answer 10 days later, unacceptable and bordering on incompetence if
not negligence. He knew that I would
lean towards the drug if my condition worsened yet he neglected to inform me of
the negative consequences of taking the prednisone. So I never did use prednisone but this was my
decision based on instinct and what little information I could garner from Google. I must still be positive and believe that the
stem cells will kick in once this attack has subsided a little. I am very surprised that the stem cells
haven’t had a positive reaction because they are meant to be attracted to areas
of inflammation and trauma in the body.
I don’t want to wreck the chance that the stem cells are still alive and
waiting to work but I do wish I had the prednisone. I have always responded well and at the
moment I need something in the absence of any action from the stem cells. My condition has become much worse over the
last several days, it’s not good but at this point I think I’ll have to suck it
up and just deal with it! I just have to
pray that things won’t progress to the point of not walking at all. I feel so tired and can’t do anything that
requires me to exert any energy. My
balance has deteriorated big time and I seem to be very clumsy, to the point
that I have difficulty using cutlery.
Overall I’m just not a very happy camper at the moment. I won’t let my faith in the treatment and the
stem cells fade away, my faith in God and his plan is more powerful than
anything that is happening.
I do apologize for the length of this blog but there is so
much to relate and so much more to follow.
I have topics that can keep this line of discussion going for many more
blogs and there will be many to follow. Again
the intent behind this blog is not to create doubt and worry in the minds of
patients or their families; the objective is to relay truth about my experience
and to prospective patients. We all
deserve to know the truth and not be mislead into such an important decision
based on inaccurate information.
My story will continue so until next time,